Liz’s Pies and Cakes
Altered book
12” x 9”
My artist’s books are all unique (one of a kind) books that I paint and draw by hand. I love the intimacy of the book form; you can hold an entire collection of original art in your hands. I make my own sketchbooks, filling them with paintings and collages. Sometimes a concept haunts me and I create a book from it; other times I just keep painting pages as a concept emerges, and it makes the transition from sketch book to artist’s book. I love traditional book forms with pages galore, since it’s creating visual content on pages that excites me to no end.
Liz’s Pie’s and Cakes, detail
12” x 9”
Liz’s Pies and Cakes. detail
12” x 9”
Liz’s Pie’s and Cakes, detail
9” x 12”
My Second Pandemic
6 3/4” x 4 3/8”
Accordion form, inkjet, hand drawing
My Second Pandemic, detail
6 3/4” x 4 3/8”
Accordion form, inkjet, hand drawing
My Second Pandemic, detail
6 3/4” x 4 3/8”
Accordion form, inkjet, hand drawing
Summer Euphoria
4 3/4” x 3 1/8”
Collage and mixed media, machine stitched, Coptic bound
Summer Euphoria, detail
4 3/4” x 3 1/8”
Collage and mixed media, machine stitched, Coptic bound
Summer Euphoria, detail
4 3/4” x 3 1/8”
Collage and mixed media, machine stitched, Coptic bound
4 1/2” x 2 3/4”
Tea bags, journal entries, tea stain, cork cloth
Uncertaintea, detail
4 1/2” x 2 3/4”
Tea bags, journal entries, tea stain, cork cloth
40 Years After Art School
8 1/2” x 5 1/4”
1979-2019 sketch book, drawing, painting, collage
40 Years After Art School, detail
8 1/2” x 5 1/4”
1979-2019 sketch book, drawing
40 Years After Art School, detail
8 1/2” x 5 1/4”
1979-2019 sketch book, painting, collage
40 Years After Art School, detail
8 1/2” x 5 1/4”
1979-2019 sketch book, collage, painting
One Word I Love
5 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Vintage typing paper, hand painted muslin, naugahyde, calligraphy, Coptic bound
One Word I Love, detail
5 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Vintage typing paper, calligraphy
One Word I Love, detail
5 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Vintage typing paper, calligraphy
One Word I Love, detail
5 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Vintage typing paper, calligraphy